Helpful Tips for Citation of Electronic Sources

  • For the titles of books, use italics and "sentence-style" capitalization. This means that for a title only the first word, all proper nouns, and the first word after an internal colon are to be capitalized. (Example: Encounters with aging: Mythologies of menopause in Japan and North America)
  • For titles of magazines and journals, use italics and "headline" style capitalization. This means that the first letter of each important word should be capitalized. (Example: U.S. News & World Report)
  • For the titles of journal articles, do not use underlining, italics, or quotation marks. Use "sentence-style" capitalization.
  • Strive to provide web addresses (URLs) in the references that are typed correctly and that work. Continually check your references to Web documents; if the addresses of any of those documents change, update your references before you submit your paper.
  • If an Internet document is undated, insert "(n.d.)" immediately after the document title.
  • E-mail messages may be cited in the text, but the Publication Manual warns against listing them in the "References" section because such messages are unrecoverable.